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Critical Theory Cluster/Certificate Courses

2024-25 Courses counting towards the Graduate Certificate in Critical Theory:

*Additional courses may be added as department course information is finalized prior to each quarter. Please check CAESAR for all up to date course information. This course list is subject to change due to department and program course schedules changing throughout the year.

*Students may petition to count courses not listed below by filling out this form.

Fall 2024

Asian Languages and Cultures
ASIAN_LC 492-0-20/COMP_LIT 486-0-20: Human/Nonhuman/Posthuman (Byrnes)

Black Studies
BLK_ST 460-0-20 Race, Politics, Society, and Culture (Pattillo)
BLK_ST 475-0-20: Genealogy of Racism as a Concept: Deconstruction & Governmentality (Hesse)

Communication Studies
COMM_ST 414-0-1: Classical Rhetoric and Its Afterlives (Hariman)
COMM ST 425-0-1: Crowds, Riots, and the Politics of Disorder (Gaonkar)

Comparative LIterary Studies
COMP_LIT 410-0-20/FRENCH 494-0-20: Worlds of Literature (Bush)
COMP_LIT 486-0-20/ASIAN_LC 492-0-20: Human/Nonhuman/Posthuman (Byrnes)
COMP_LIT 487-0-1/MUSICOL 535-0-1: Music Historiography (Dohoney)

ENGLISH 465-0-20: Studies in Colonial & Postcolonial Literature (Nadiminti)

French and Italian
FRENCH 494-0-20/COMP_LIT 410-0-20: Worlds of Literature (Bush)

GERMAN 404-0-1: Affective Passages (Parkinson)

Gender and Sexuality Studies
GNDR_ST 490-0-26/ POLI_SCI 490-0-23/SOCI 476-0-23: Gender, Power, Politics (Orloff)

MUSICOL 535-0-1/COMP_LIT 487-0-1: Music Historiography (Dohoney)

PHIL 315-0-21/COMP_LIT 383-0-21/GNDR_ST 490-0-28: Foucault and Fanon (Deutscher)
PHIL 390-0-21: Feminist Philosophy (Southgate)
PHIL 402-1-20, Proseminar II:  Theories of Resistance (Medina)
PHIL 423-0-20, Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy: Alain Locke (Barnes)

Political Science
POLI_SCI 490-0-20/RELIGION 482-0-20: Religion Politics: Global Perspectives (Hurd)

Religious Studies
RELIGION 482-0-20/POLI_SCI 490-0-20: Religion Politics: Global Perspectives (Hurd)

SOCIOL 406-1-20 Classical Theory in Sociological Analysis (Espeland)

SOCIOL 460-0-20 Race, Politics, Society, and Culture (Pattillo)

Winter 2025

Lists will be updated as more information becomes available

Black Studies
BLK_ST 440-0-20 Black Historiography (Perry)
BLK_ST 480-0-21 Black Futures and Technology (Johnson)

Comparative LIterary Studies
COMP_LIT 414/GERMAN 402 Theories of Realism (Weitzman)
COMP_LIT 441-0-20 Critical Practices: Aesthetics and Political Theology (Fenves)
COMP_LIT 486-0-20 Studies in Literature and the Disciplines: Time, World, Power (Torlasco)
COMP_LIT 487-0-1/SPANPORT 450-0-1 Walter Benjamin’s Small History of Photography (Uslenghi)

ENGLISH 397-0-20 Cultures of Play (Soni)
ENGLISH 481-0-20 The Environmental Humanities--Studies in Literary Theory and Criticism (Dimick)

FRENCH 492-0-20 Foucault and AIDS (Dupas)

Gender Studies
GNDR_ST 490-0-20 Queer Theory (Enteen)
GNDR_ST 490-0-22 Knowledge and Politics (Stevens)

GERMAN 401-0-1/ COMP_LIT 411 German Literature and Critical Thought: Aesthetics and Political Theology (Fenves)
GERMAN 402-0-1/COMP_LIT 414 Theories of Realism (Weitzman)

Global Avant-Garde and Modernist Studies
GABS 400/ SPANPORT 401Introduction to Literary & Cultural Theory: Modernism and Medicine (Caballero) 

Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LATIN_AM 401-0 Special Graduate Topics; Crisis, contentious politics, and critical thought in Latin America (Valencia) 

PHIL 324-0-20/21 Studies in African American Philosophy (Barnes) 
PHIL 410-0-3 Special Topics in Philosophy: Human Rights (Lafont)

Political Science 
POLI_SCI 450-0-1 Contemporary Theory and Research in Comparative Politics (Winters)
POLI_SCI 469-0-20 Politics after Biopolitics: Foucault and his Critics (Stevens)

Religious Studies
REL 471-0-21: Religion & Capitalism (Bielo)

Spanish/ Portuguese
SPANPORT 401/GAMS 400 Introduction to Literary & Cultural Theory: Modernism and Medicine (Caballero) SPANPORT 450-0-1/COMP_LIT 487-0-1 Walter Benjamin’s Small History of Photography (Uslenghi)

Spring 2025

Lists will be updated as more information becomes available

Black Studies
BLK_ST 339 Unsettling Whiteness (Hesse)
BLK_ST 370 Political Blackness Across the Americas (Hesse)
BLK_ST 480-0-20/GNDR_ST 490 Topics: Afrofeminists: Black Women in Europe (Larcher)
BLK_ST 480-0-21 Topics: Neo-Liberalism and its Discontents (Márquez)

Comp Lit
COMP_LIT 420-0-20 Wynter’s Fanon: Race, Gender, Coloniality (We)
COMP_LIT 488-0-1/GER 402-0-1 Special Topics in Comparative Literature (Weber)

ENGLISH 365: Studies in Postcolonial Literature: Inhumane Conditions (Nadiminti)
ENGLISH 368: Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Women Writing Worldliness (Froula)
ENGLISH 441-0-20: Novel Utopias: Critique and Normativity in 18th Century Realism (Soni)
ENGLISH 461: Translation Problems: Coloniality, Resistance, Solidarity
ENGLISH 481: Studies in Literary Theory and Criticism: Mimesis and Its Doubles (West)


GER 402-0-1/COMP_LIT 488-0-1 Special Topics in Comparative Literature (Weber)

Gender Studies
GNDR_ST 321/HIST 390 Gender, Race, and the Holocaust (Cushman)
GNDR_ST 332-0-21 Sex, Gender, Sexuality, Race and Technoscience (Partridge)
GNDR_ST 341 Women’s Uprising: Thinking with Transnational Feminisms (Fu)
GNDR_ST 490/SPANPORT 480: Reading Gender Otherwise: Indigenous Movements and Literature in Latin America (West)
GNDR_ST 490-0-22/BLK_ST 480: Afrofeminists (Larcher)
GNDR_ST 490-0-23/REL 480: Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion (Schwarts)

PHIL 313-1-21 (graduate): Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Zuckert)
PHIL 375 Issues in Environmental Philosophy (Hettig-Rolfe)
PHIL 414: Nietzsche’s ‘On The Genealogy of Morality’ (Kirwin)
PHIL 415-0-20: Studies in French Philosophy: Foucault and After: From Biopolitics to Necroresistance (Deutscher)
PHIL 461: Seminar in Social and Political Theory: Theories of Exploitation (Brixel)

Political Science
POLI_SCI 384 International Responses to Mass Atrocities (Krcmaric)
POLI_SCI 390 Climate Change and Collective Action (McGrath)
POLI_SCI 390 Opposition to Capitalism in the 21st Century (Rice)
POLI_SCI 395 Black Political Thought (Tillery)

Religious Studies
REL 376-0-20: Christianity and the Making of Modernity (Helmer)
REL 482-21/GNDR_ST 490-23 Queer and Transgender Studies in Religious (Schwartz)

SPANISH 397 Borders, Migrations, and Travel (Nuñez)
SPANPORT 480 Reading Gender Otherwise: Theories of Gender and Indigeneity in “Latin America” (West) 


Please fill out this form if you would like to petition for a course to count toward the Critical Theory Certificate that is not listed.