Past Events Archive Summary
2017-2018 Past Events
"Notes for a Decolonial Critique of Debt" - Rocio Zambrana | June 7, 2018
Sponsored by the Kreeger Wolf Endowment, Critical Theory Cluster, German Department, Philosophy Department, and Spanish and Portuguese Department.
"Waterways and Intellectual Networks: D.D.T Jabavu's Voyage to India" - Tina Steiner | May 31, 2018
Sponsored by The Indian Ocean Epistemologies initiative of Northwestern's Critical Theory Cluster, in conjunction with the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs.
"The Art of Forgetting: Intimacy and Erasure in German and Turkish Art Histories" - Banu Karaca | November 15, 2017
Critical Theory in the Global South Teach-In Sessions | November 13, 2017
An Initiative of Northwestern's Critical Theory Cluster, and the ICCTP (International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs) Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Benjamin's Critique of Violence: A German and Latin American Critical Theory Cooperation Event
Faculty-Graduate Book Discussion of Christoph Menke's Law and Violence | November 8, 2017
Black Rehearsal - A Graduate Workshop on New Writing with Fred Moten (NYU) & Stefano Harney (Singapore Management University) | November 7-8, 2017
"Plato as Critical Theorist" - Professor Jonny Thakkar, Swarthmore College | November 3, 2017
How Demanding Should Human Rights Be? An Interdisciplinary Workshop | October 13-14, 2017
(More information about this event)
Critical Theory Graduate Kick-Off | October 2, 2017
2016-2017 Past Events
"Fundamentos Para Una Teoría de la Enunciación Novomundana" - Daniel Link | May 30, 2017
"Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis" - Rosaura Martinez and Isabelle Alfandary | May 25-26, 2017
"Politics in the Souls of Black Folk" - Chike Jeffers | May 17, 2017
"Entomological Persons: Insects and Ahab" - Branka Arsic | May 11-12, 2017
Queer Temporality and Media Aesthetics Workshop | April 27-28, 2017
"Obsessive Play with Light and Sound: Su Friedrich's Seeing Red with Walter Benjamin and Deleuze & Guattari" - Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky | April 27, 2017
"The "Between the Law" of the Cunning State" - Shalini Randeria | April 19, 2017
"Cultural Constructionism" - Chike Jeffers | April 14, 2017
"Researching Du Bois" and "Race as Cultural Construction" - Chike Jeffers | April 10 and April 24
Critical Theory Cluster Dissertation Symposium | February 16-17, 2017 | More Information
"Revisiting Adorno and Black Expression" | February 7, 2017
Fumi Okiji (Black Arts Postdoctoral Fellow, Performance Studies and African American Studies) in conversation with Alex Weheliye (African American Studies) and Anna Parkinson (German)
"Epistemic Activism and Shared Responsibility for Racial Violence" - Jose Medina, Vanderbilt Univ. | January 20, 2017
Critical Theory in Critical Times Conference with Axel Honneth | November 3 and November 11, 2016 | More Information
Critical Theory Minor event: "Whose bias do y'all seek?"... | October 19, 2016
Critical Theory Graduate Cluster Kick-Off | October 5, 2016
Past Critical theory event flyers
2015 Gender and Vulnerabilities Schedule