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Circulating Anarchisms and Marxisms in the Andes

The theme of this collaborative project between Víctor Vich (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) and Jorge Coronado (Northwestern), has been the emergence of critical theory in the Andes region in the period 1890-1950, focusing on the creative transformations and adaptations of European Marxist and anarchist thought in this geopolitical context. The project will result in the publication of Antología de textos primarios: Anarquismos y marxismos en los Andes with Editorial Plural in La Paz. Edited by Jorge Coronado. The collaboration also included a graduate student exchange through the award of a Mellon predoctoral fellowship to support the participation of a graduate fellow based in Peru, to assist with the research for the course development during a visiting residency at Northwestern. The predoctoral fellowship was awarded to Sheyla Liliana Huyhua Muñoz.


Victor Vich is Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima, where he specializes in cultural theory and contemporary and literary culture in Peru. He is the author of numerous books, most recently Poéticas del duelo. Ensayos sobre arte, memoria y violencia política en el Perú (2015). He is the co-director of PUCP’s Maestría en Estudios Culturales (Master’s Degree in Cultural Studies), a leading program for training in cultural and critical theory.

Jorge Coronado is Professor of Spanish & Portuguese and Comparative Literature at Northwestern. He is also Co-Director of the Andean Cultures and Histories Working Group at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies. A specialist in modern Latin American and Andean literatures and cultures, he is the author of The Andes Imagined: Indigenismo, Society, and Modernity (2009), as well as Portraits in the Andes: Photography and Agency, 1900-1950 (2018).

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow

Sheyla Liliana Huyhua Muñoz is working on her M.A. in Cultural Studies at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She is interested in analyzing how Peruvian society constructs the sense of politics. Her research focuses on how modernity reduces complex categories such as memory, reconciliation, forgiveness, justice and democracy to a simple metaphysical exercise. Her theoretical framework is related to deconstruction. She approaches Peruvian political conflicts not from the official discourse, but from what can not be verbalized or quantified by it. Her master's project involves cultural studies and philosophy, aiming to explain why is it difficult to understand political conflicts beyond the limits of rational discourse and its ethical consequences. Sheyla visited Northwestern in the Fall of 2018. Contact Sheyla at here.

Project Syllabi

Background Reading: Political Violence in Peru

Bonilla, Heraclio. "Sendero Luminoso en la encrucijada política del Perú." Nómadas 10, no. 2 (October 2003): 58-65.

Burt, Jo-Marie. Political Violence and the Authoritarian State in Peru: Silencing Civil Society. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.

Degregori, Carlos Iván y Elizabeth Jelin, eds. Jamás tan cerca arremetió lo lejos: memoria y violencia política en el PerúLima : Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2003.

Lázaro, Juan. "Women and Political Violence in Contemporary Peru." Dialectical Anthropology 15, no. 2 (1990): 233–247.

Schulte-Bockholt, Alfredo. Corruption as Power: Criminal Governance in Peru during the Fujimori Era (1990–2000). New York: Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers, 2013.

Vich, Víctor. "An Aesthetic Event: Ricardo Wiesse’s Cantutas and Political Violence in Peru." In Meanings of Violence in Contemporary Latin America, edited by Gabriela Polit Dueñas and María Helena Rueda, 167–181. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

———. "Violence, Guilt, and Repetition: Alonso Cueto's Novel La Hora Azul." In Art from a Fractured Past, edited by Cynthia E. Milton, 127–138. Durham, Duke University Press, 2014.

Wilson, Fiona. Citizenship and Political Violence in Peru: An Andean Town, 1870s–1970s. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Background Reading: José Carlos Mariátegui

Coronado, Jorge. "The Revolutionary Indio: José Carlos Mariátegui’s Indigenismo." In The Andes Imagined: Indigenismo, Society, and Modernity, 25–51. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009.

Izquierdo, Lucas. "Mariátegui, Pareto y Sorel: revisionismo o revolución decolonial." Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 49, no. 3 (October 2015): 549–569.

Mariátegui, José Carlos. "Defensa del marxismo," "Teoría y práctica de la reacción," "Biologia del fascismo," y "La revolución y la inteligencia." In Obras, tomo 1, selección de Francisco Baeza, 121–204, 205–224, 321–331, y 360–381. La Habana, Cuba: Casa de las Américas, 1982.

Mariátegui, José Carlos. "Esquema de la evolución económica" y "El problema de la tierra." En 7 ensayos de interpretación de la realidad peruana, 7–25 y 39–85. Lima: Amauta, 1984. (Translation available as "Outline of the Economic Evolution" and "The Problem of Land." In Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality, translated by Marjory Urquidi, 3–21 and 31–76. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971.)

———. "El problema de las razas en la América Latina." En Ideología y política, 21–99. Caracas: Ministerio de Comunicación y Información, 2006.

———. The Heroic and Creative Meaning of Socialism, translated by Michael Pearlman. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1996.

Polar, Antonio Cornejo. "El indigenismo y las literaturas heterogéneas; su doble estatuto socio-cultural." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 4, no. 7–9 (1978): 7–21.

———. "Mariátegui y su propuesta de una modernidad de raíz andina." En José Carlos Mariátegui y los estudios latinoamericanos, editado por Mabel Moraña y Guido Podestá, 19–28. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 2009.

Quijano, Aníbal. "Raza, etnia y nación en Mariátegui. Cuestiones preliminares." En Antología esencial. De la dependencia histórico estructural a la colonialidad/descolonialidad del poder, selección de Danilo Assis Clímaco, 757–775. Buenos Aires: Clacso, 2014.

Subirats, Eduardo. "Mariátegui, Latin American Socialism, and Asia." World Review of Political Economy 1, no. 3 (Fall 2010): 517-530.

Webber, Jeffrey. "The Indigenous Community as 'Living Organism': José Carlos Mariátegui, Romantic Marxism, and Extractive Capitalism in the Andes." Theory and Society 44, no. 6 (2015): 575-598.

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