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Fall 2023

Black Studies
BLK_ST 480-0-20 Black Conceptual Methodologies (Hesse)

ANTHRO 490-0-3 Queer Pleasure and Politics (Sullivan)

Communication Studies
COMM_ST 454-0-1 Making and Unmaking of Audiences and Publics (Gaonkar)

Comparative LIterary Studies
COMP_LIT 413-0-32 Orientalism and Its Discontents (Kinra)
COMP_LIT 481-0-1 Voice in Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, and Deconstruction (Dohoney)
COMP_LIT 486-0-20 Hannah Arendt: Poetry, Politics, and Thought (Gottlieb)
COMP_LIT SPANPORT 487-0-1 Archive Poetics: Subaltern Knowledges and Irreverent Uses (Uslenghi)
COMP_LIT 488-0-1 Remnants of Marx (Kreienbrock)
COMP_LIT 488-0-21 Theories of Freedom and Liberation (Menke)

ENGLISH 461-0-20 Hannah Arendt: Poetry, Politics, and Thought (Gottlieb)

French and Italian
French 460-0-20 Global Avant-Garde (Bush)

GERMAN 402-0-1 Remnants of Marx (Kreienbrock)
GERMAN 441-0-1 Theories of Freedom and Liberation (Menke)

Gender and Sexuality Studies
GNDR_ST 490-0-23 Queer Pleasure and Politics (Sullivan)

HISTORY 405-0-32 Orientalism and Its Discontents (Kinra)

Media, Technology, and Society (School of Communication Studies)
MTS 525-0-36 Ethnographies of Cultural Production (Benzecry)

MUSICOL 535-0-1 Voice in Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, and Deconstruction (Dohoney)

PHIL 414-0-20 Seminar in German Philosophy: Marx (Brixel)
PHIL 410-0-20 Theories of Freedom and Liberation (Menke)

SOCIOL 410-0-20 Race, Racism, and Resistance (Pattilo)
SOCIOL 476-0-21 Politics of Knowledge (Epstein)

Spanish/ Portuguese
SPANPORT 455-0-1 Archive Poetics: Subaltern Knowledges and Irreverent Uses (Uslenghi)

Winter 2024

The list will be updated as and when more information becomes available

Black Studies
BLK_ST 402 Theorizing Black Genders and Sexualities (Bey)

Comparative LIterary Studies
COMP_LIT 481 Topics in Literary Theory (Torlasco)

ENGLISH 481 Queer Theory and Queer Cinema (Davis)

French and Italian
FRENCH 493 Topics in Literary Theory (Torlasco)

Gender and Sexuality Studies
GNDR_ST 490 Theorizing Black Genders and Sexualities (Bey)
GNDR_ST 490 Queer Theory and Queer Cinema (Davis)

GERMAN 403: German Literature and Critical Thought, 1900-1945: Benjamin’s Altercation with Goethe (Fenves)

PHIL 414 Seminar in German Philosophy: Hegel (Alznauer)
PHIL 467 Seminar in Critical Race Theory (Barnes)

Political Science 
490 Political Theories of Membership (Stevens)

Spanish/ Portuguese
SPANPORT 480 Topics in Latin American Literature and/or Iberian Literature and Culture (Pinto)

Spring 2024

The list will be updated as and when more information becomes available

Black Studies
BLK_ST 480 Theorizing Blackness and Diaspora (Jackson & Márquez)
BLK_ST 480 Toni Morrison (Vaughn)
BLK_ST 480 Afrofeminists: Black Women Challenging Color-Blindness in Europe (Larcher)

Comparative LIterary Studies
COMP_LIT  486 Global Caste (Brueck)
COMP_LIT 488 Necropolitics from Agamben to Mbembe (Ricciardi)

ENGLISH 431 Political Thought in Shakespearean Contexts (Shannon)

French and Italian
FRENCH 432 French, Francophone & Transnational Studies (Qader)
FRENCH  493 Postcolonial/Decolonial Thought in the Francophone World (Garraway)
FRENCH 494 Necropolitics from Agamben to Mbembe (Ricciardi)

Gender and Sexuality Studies
GNDR_ST 480 Afrofeminists: Black Women Challenging Color-Blindness in Europe (Larcher)
GNDR_ST 490 Toni Morrison (Vaughn)

GERMAN  403 German Literature, Critical Thought and New Media 1900-1945: The Uncanny (Unheimlich) in Theory and Literature (Weber)
GERMAN 407 Proseminar: How to Read (Weitzman)

HISTORY 405 Sexual Knowledges: Science, Archives, Traces (Liu)

Political Science 
POLI_SCI 447 Critical Studies in World Politics (Loriaux)

Radio/Television/Film (School of Communication Studies)
RTVF 403-0 Media & Cultural Theory (Sconce)

Spanish/ Portuguese
450 Modern Iberian Thought (Caballero)
SPANPORT 480 Black Spain (Coleman)