Past Courses Approved for Critical Theory Minor
Past courses for critical theory minor, 2018-2019 academic year
FALL 2018:
- AF_AM_ST 214: Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies | Marquez
- AF_AM_ST 245: The Black Diaspora and Transnationality | Weheliye
- AF_AM_ST 345: Politics of Afro-Latin America | Bryant
- AF_AM_ST 350: Theorizing Blackness | Weheliye
- AF_AM_ST 363: Racism in Western Modernity | Hesse
- AF_AM_ST 380: Black Feminist Theory | Bailey
- ANTHRO 390-0-21: Anthropology of Human Rights | Hoffman
- ART_HIST 255: Intro to Modernism | Kiaer
- ART_HIST 369: New Media Art | Hodge
- ART_HIST 390-2: Chicago 1968 | Zorach
- COMP_LIT 202/FRENCH 277: Literature of Existentialism | Durham
- COMP_LIT 390/SPAN 397: Sexual Dissidence & Activism in Latin America | Sanchez Cruz
- ENGL 366: Studies in African American Lit – Black Paris: Af Am Writers in the City of Lights | Fritz
- ENGL 368: Queer Modernisms | Nordgren
- ENGL 388: Studies in Lit and Religion – Radical Spirits | High
- GNDR_ST 380: Black Feminist Theory | Bailey
- GNDR_ST 381: Queer Theory | Enteen
- PHIL 313: Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” – Dialectic | Zuckert
- POLI_SCI 307: Deportation Law and Politics | Stevens
- POLI_SCI 347: Ethics in International Relations | Hanson
- POLI_SCI 380: Refugee Crises and Human Rights | Ruffer
- POLI_SCI 382/RELIGION 379: Politics of Religious Diversity | Hurd
- RELIGION 395: Theories of Religion | Taylor
- SOCIOL 318/LEGAL_ST 308: Sociology of Law | Nelson
WINTER 2019:
Introductory courses offered:
- COMP_LIT 200: Intro to Literary Theory | Uslenghi
- COMP_LIT 207/PHIL 220: Intro to Critical Theory | Alznauer
- AF_AM_ST 220: Civil Rights and Black Liberation | Biondi
- AF_AM_ST 320: Social Meaning of Race | Patillo
- AF_AM_ST 380: Education for Black Liberation | Ross
- COMP_LIT 202-0-21/GERMAN 232: Faust | Fenves
- COMP_LIT 300 / GERMAN 322: Topic TBD | Weber
- COMP_LIT 303/GERMAN 324: Brecht: The Politics of Modern Theater | Kreienbrock
- COMP_LIT 307/SPAN 397/GNDR_ST 341: Queer Theory Latin America | Sanchez-Cruz
- ENGLISH 388: Science Fiction & Social Justice | King
- GERMAN 345: Kafka’s America | Weitzman
- GNDR_ST 321-0-21: Gender, War & Revolution | Liu
- GNDR_ST 331: Masculinities | Silva
- GNDR_ST 371: Media Activism, Gender, Race | Herold
- GNDR_ST 372-0-21: Queer and Trans of Color Critique | Chambers-Letson
- GNDR_ST 397: Feminist Theory, Patriarchal Dominations | Dietz
- PHIL 267: Philosophy, Race, and Racism | Medina
- PHIL 317: The Idea of Politics: Weber and Schmitt to Arendt | Alznauer
- POLI_SCI 380: Refugee Crises and Human Rights | Ruffer
- RELIGION 371: Existentialism in Film | Molina
- RELIGION 379: Science Fiction & Social Justice | King
SPRING 2019:
- AF_AM_ST 215: Intro to Black Social & Political Life | Hesse
- AF_AM_ST 335: Race & Literature in 19th C. America | Bainbridge
- AF_AM_ST 339: Unsettling Whiteness | Hesse
- AF_AM_ST 380: HIV/AIDS in the Social & Political Landscape | Watkins-Hayes
- COMP_LIT 205: Gender, Politics, and Philosophy | Deutscher
- COMP_LIT 383: Special Topics in Critical Theory: Contributions to World Literature | Weber
- COMP_LIT 383: Special Topics in Critical Theory: What is Obscenity? | Weitzman
- ENGLISH 377: Topics in Latina and Latino Literature: Border Literature | Cutler
- GERMAN 322: German Contributions to World Literature | Weber
- GERMAN 326: German Culture Studies: What is Obscenity? | Weitzman
- GERMAN 334: Writers and Their Critics (Immanuel Kant) | Sesskin & Zuckert
- GNDR_ST 231: Gender, Sexuality, and Representation: Feminism as Cultural Critique | Thompson
- GNDR_ST 232: Sexuality & Society | Silva
- GNDR_ST 233: Gender, Politics, and Philosophy | Deutscher
- GNDR_ST 321: Gender, Sexuality and History: Feminism | Partridge
- GNDR_ST 381: Queer Theory | Enteen
- GNDR_ST 382: Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Gender, Race, and the Holocaust | Cushman
- PHIL 261: Intro to Political Philosophy | Paris
- PHIL 314: Studies in German Philosophy (Immanuel Kant) | Sesskin & Zuckert
- PHIL 367: Studies in African American Philosophy: Race, Rationality, and Revolution | Paris
- RELIGION 379: Topics in Comparative Religion (Immanuel Kant) | | Sesskin & Zuckert