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Courses Approved for Critical Theory Minor

Pre-Approved Courses for critical theory minor 2024-2025 Academic Year

*Additional courses may be added as department course information is finalized prior to each quarter. Please check CAESAR for all up to date course information. This course list is subject to change due to department and program course schedules changing throughout the year.

*Students may petition to count courses not listed below by filling out this form.

FALL 2024

BLK_ST 247-0-20/GNDR_ST 235-0-20: Beyond the Binary: Transgender and Race (Bey)
BLK_ST 380-0-20/ENG 383-0-20: Black Feminist Theory (Bey)
COMP_LIT 270-0-1/GER 236-0-1: Kafka and Nietzsche (Fenves)
COMP_LIT 383-0-20/GNDR_ST 352-0-1/PHIL 315-0-20 (undergraduate): Foucault and Fanon (Deutscher)
ENG 383-0-20/BLK_ST 380-0-20: Black Feminist Theory (Bey)
GNDR_ST 220-0-20: Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies (Fenrich)
GNDR_ST 233-0-1/PHIL 221-0-20: Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (Brixel)
GNDR_ST 235-0-20/BLK_ST 247-0-20: Beyond the Binary: Transgender and Race (Bey)
GNDR_ST-260: Critical Fat Studies (West)
GNDR_ST 331-0-23/SOCIOL 356-0-20: Sociology of Gender  (Ewert)
GNDR_ST 352-0-1/PHIL 315-0-20 (undergraduate)/Comp_Lit 383-0-20: Foucault and Fanon (Deutscher)
GER 236-0-1/COMP_LIT 270-0-1: Kafka and Nietzsche (Fenves)
PHIL 221-0-20/GNDR_ST 233-0-1: Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (Brixel)
PHIL 314-0-20/PHIL 314-0-21: Marx (Brixel)
PHIL 315-0-20/COMP_LIT 383-0-20/GNDR_ST 352-0-1 (undergraduate): Foucault and Fanon (Deutscher)
PHIL 390-0-20 (undergraduate) Feminist Philosophy (Southgate)
POLI_SCI 201-0-20 Introduction to Political Theory (Stevens)
POLI_SCI  361-0-20: Democracy and Autocracy (Gibson) 
RELG 360-0-20: Black Religions and the Digital Humanities (Dennis-Meade)
SOCIOL 356-0-20/GNDR_ST 331-0-23: Sociology of Gender  (Ewert)
SPANISH 397-0-1: Queer Central Americans and Unruly Bodies (Nunez)


Lists will be updated as more information becomes available

COMPLIT 390-0-20: Postcolonial Noir (Johnson)
ENGLISH 397-0-20: Cultures of Play (Soni)
GNDR_ST 380-0-20: Black Feminist Theory: Black Feminisms in a Francophone Context (Larcher)
GNDR_ST 381-0-20: Queer Theory (Enteen) 
GNDR_ST 397-0-20: Feminist Theory (West)
GERMAN 272-0-1: Luther and the West (Helmer)
HIND_URD 320-0: Ghost Stories (Boyk)
PHIL 220-0-20: Introduction to Critical Theory (Alznauer)
PHIL 224-0-20: Philosophy, Race, and Racism (Barnes)
PHIL 261-0-20: Introduction to Political Philosophy (Horne)
PHIL 324-0-20/21: Studies in African American Philosophy (Barnes) 
SPANISH 349-0-1: Critical Thought in Latin America (Coronado)
SPANISH 395-0-2: Bodies in Crisis: Illness, Transformation, and Power in Latin American Culture (Bouzaglou) 


Lists will be updated as more information becomes available

ART_HIST 395-0-1 Museums: Horror Modernism (Bell)
BLK_ST 339 Unsettling Whiteness (Hesse)
BLK_ST 370 Political Blackness Across the Americas (Hesse)
English 365: Studies in Postcolonial Literature: Inhumane Conditions (Nadiminti)
English 368: Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Women Writing Worldliness (Froula)
GNDR_ST 321/HIST 390 Gender, Race, and the Holocaust (Cushman)
GNDR_ST 332-0-21 Sex, Gender, Sexuality, Race and Technoscience (Partridge)
GNDR_ST 341 Women’s Uprising: Thinking with Transnational Feminisms (Fu)
HIST 393-0-22 Race and the American Midwest (Kiel)
PHIL 313-1-20 (undergraduate): Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Zuckert)
PHIL 375 Issues in Environmental Philosophy (Hettig-Rolfe)
POLI_SCI 384 International Responses to Mass Atrocities (Krcmaric)
POLI_SCI 390 Climate Change and Collective Action (McGrath)
POLI_SCI 390 Opposition to Capitalism in the 21st Century (Rice)
POLI_SCI 395 Black Political Thought (Tillery)
REL 376-0-20: Christianity and the Making of Modernity (Helmer)
SPANISH 397 Borders, Migrations, and Travel (Nuñez)


Please fill out this form if you would like to petition for a course to count toward the Critical Theory Minor that is not listed.