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Fall 2013

ENG 401 The Poetics of Time and the Problem of History (Susannah Gottlieb)
FRE 494 Interdisciplinary, Theoretical, & Critical Approaches (Christopher Bush)
GENDER 405 Advanced Feminist Theory (Mary G Dietz)
GER 403 Germ. Lit., Crit. Thought, and New Media 1900-45 (Peter Fenves)
PHIL 414 Seminar in German, Post-Kantian Ethics (Mark Alznauer)
COMM ST 415 Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism: Crowds, Mobs, Multitude and the Politics of Disorder (Dilip Gaonkar)
AF AM ST 401 Conceptual Methodologies (Barnor Hesse)
*ART 372-0 - Art Theory and Practice Seminar: Worlding and Research in Art Today (Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev)

Winter 2014

ENG 471 Diasporic Theory and Diaspora Tropes (Alex Weheliye)
GENDER 4xx Queer Theory (Nick Davis)
GER 441 Studies in Communication and Culture: Psychoanalysis (Anna Parkinson)
REL 470 Theology and the Study of Religion (Helmer)
PHIL 415 Seminar, Studies in French Philosophy (Penelope Deutscher)
GER 402/PHIL 414/POL SCI 490 German Literature and Critical Thought/Seminar in German; From Hegel to Heidegger and Beyond (Christoph Menke)
COMM ST 525 Modes of Cultural Analysis (Jan Radway)
COMM ST 525 Black Visual Cultures (Jasmine Cobb)
AF AM ST 480 Postcolonial Studies (John D Marquez)

Spring 2014

ENG 481 Digital Age (Brian Edwards)
ENG 441 Judging Novels - Austen (Vivasvan Soni)
GER 401 Germ. Lit. and Crit. Thought 1750-1832 (Samuel Weber)
FRE 490 Special Topics in Literature: The Proustian Legacy (Scott Durham)
FRE 493 Topics in Literary Theory (Michal Ginsburg)
COMM ST 525 Hypervisibilities (C. Riley Snorton)
REL 474 Religion and Narrative (Barry Wimpfheimer)
AF AM ST 402 Memory Studies (Michelle M. Wright)
RTVF 403 Media Cultural Theory (Jeffrey Sconce) PHIL 465 Seminar in Social and Political Theory: The Future of Democrasy (C Lafont)