Barnor Hesse
Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science and Sociology

Research Interests:
Post-structuralism and political theory
Black political thought
Modernity and Coloniality
Blackness and Affect
Race and Governmentality
Conceptual Methodologies
Postcolonial Studies
AFAM 475: Genealogy of Racism as a Concept
AFAM 401: Conceptual Methodologies
AFAM 400: Post-Structuralism and Black Political Thought
AFAM 380: Unsettling Whiteness
AFAM 375: Post-Colonial African American Studies
AFAM 363: Racism in Western Modernity
Ph.D. in Government (Ideology and Discourse Analysis), University of Essex (UK)
Recent Publications:
'Creolizing the Political: a Genealogy of the African Diaspora', Duke University Press (Duke University Press, forthcoming)
'Deconstructing White Mythologies' in K. Vera ed. 'Derrida and the Trace of Race' (Duke University Press, forthcoming)
'Escaping Liberty: Western Hegemony, Black Fugitivity' in B. Baum and L. Nichols eds 'Isaiah Berlin and the Politics of Freedom: Berlin's "Two Concepts of Liberty" 50 years later' (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
'Marked Unmarked: Black Politics and the Western political', South Atlantic Quarterly, Fall 2011, 110: 4.
'Self-fulfilling Prophecy: The Post-Racial Horizon', South Atlantic Quarterly, Winter 2011, 110: 1.
'Symptomatically Black: A Creolization of the Political' in S. Shih and F. Lionnet Eds. 'The Creolization of Theory' (Duke University press, 2011).
'Afterword: Black Europe's Undecidability' in D. Hine, T. Keaton and S. Small eds. 'Black Europe and the African Diaspora' (University of Illinois press, 2009).
'Racialized. Modernity: An Analytics of White Mythologies', Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 30, No.4, July 2007, pp. 643-663
- with S. Sayyid. 'Narrating the Political Postcolonial and the Immigrant Imaginary' in N. Ali, V. Kalra and S. Sayyid eds., 'A Postcolonial People: South Asians in Britain', London: Hurst, 2006.
"Discourse on Institutional Racism: the genealogy of a concept" (2004) in I. Law, D. Phillips and L. Turney, Institutional Racism in Higher education (Trentham books)
"Implausible Deniability: Racism's Conceptual Double Bind" (2004) in Social Identities , Vol.10, No.1
Un/settled Multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, Transruptions (2000; Zed Books)