Cintia Martinez Velasco
2019-2020 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow

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Cintia Martinez Velasco, the 2019-2020 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Latin American Critical Theory at Northwestern University, holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where she also holds a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Philosophy. She has been a board member of the International Association of Women Philosophers since 2018 and has been offering courses at UNAM in the Philosophy department since 2012. Her dissertation thesis title is Identidades visibles, identidades, quiásmicas. El cuerpo y la materia en los debates filosóficos del feminismo. The main topics of her research are the metaphysics of sex and gender, feminist philosophy and decolonial philosophy, and Latin American philosophy, with a particular focus on the work of Enrique Dussel with whom she undertook her doctoral studies. She coordinates, with Gemma Argüello and Rosaura Martínez, the seminar Violence in America: Philosophical Approaches to Intersectionality, at UNAM.
During her graduate studies at UNAM she completed residencies as a visiting researcher at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and the City University of New York (CUNY). In 2012 she was also a visiting scholar in the graduate program of Latin American Philosophy at Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino (Bogotá), where she became a member of Santiago Castro-Gomez’s Bartolome de las Casas group. In 2019 she was a pre-doctoral fellow in the Critical Theory in the Global South initiative at Northwestern University, working with Professor Jose Medina on the subproject: Critical Epistemology, Knowing through Gender and the Decolonial.
She has participated in and organized a number of national and international conferences regarding Feminist Philosophy, most recently the 2017 Workshop on Gender, Ethics, and Politics and the International Congress of Feminism and Marxism: Neoliberalism and Work (2018-2019). Some of her publications include: “Diálogos entre Judith Butler y Nancy Fraser: capitalismo, heteronormatividad y nuevos movimientos sociales”,“De la búsqueda de un feminismo trasnacional a la interseccionalidad de lo local, lecturas no autocomplacientes en el feminismo contemporáneo”, “#MiPrimerAcoso, la agencia de las palabras y lo inefable de sus efectos”, "Apuntes para comprender el patriarcado productor de mercanías colonial", "Materialidad y sexo más allá del esencialismo sexual", "¿Quién puede hablar de feminismo?", "Versiones de feminismo, reflexiones sobre los alcances de la teoría"."
Further information about the courses developed by Cintia Martinez Velasco at Northwestern University is available here.